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The Art of Writing

You'll Never Write Alone

__ Jun Tan

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About this Site

What is it that fuels you? For me, it’s the Art of Writing. I love writing about what interests me and what interests others, and then sharing all my thoughts with my readers.

You will find numerous pieces of odd writings here, including bizarre football reports on the latest Premier League derby or even a sonnet or two. But these writings are mostly harmless, just like Douglas Adams’ Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. They simply reflect the typical life of a student from Johannesburg, South Africa.

As Steve Biko puts it, I write what I like.

The Art of Writing is truly my own passion project. Take a look around; perhaps you’ll discover something that fuels you as well. Read on and enjoy!

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"Almost all good writings begin with terrible first efforts. You have to start somewhere."

Anne Lamott

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