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Rejection -- a Poem

Updated: Jun 10, 2023

I tried to fly, for fear of failure, from earth’s farthest falling

I cried, coughed, courageously coming,

comfortably close yet never curing

that corrosive cancer costing my keeping

of believing, belonging, beholding


The self-brainwashing was broken

by the transparent Truth,

trivial, though traumatic, transcending their transgressions

of betrayal? (Or denial)

My own trespass transpired.

My affections lied in her perfection,

my passion for that personality and my perception

of prestige and popularity. My presumption:

Perhaps she would pity the pauper (me),

and relent her promise to Him. My pride

(and pure ignorance) prompted my pursuit of this purpose.

Per aspera ad astra, so I persevered...

Now the prolonged pain, on one’s perilous path to live

Seeking pardons -- for I’m a pacifist -- and to offer Olives

Is there still hope?

I’d say “Nope.”

But towards the distant dance I began to trudge,

forever forgetting that grievous grudge.

The tragic budding behind me burns,

while the wheel of Destiny again turns.

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