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The Importance of Music

Updated: Sep 6, 2021

GLORIA IN EXCELSIS DEO!” The powerful voices around me erupted in unison while the unmistakable blast of the grand organ resonated through the chapel. I did not mind the deafening roar at all. To my ears, the music was beautiful in every aspect. I added my own voice, my passion to it and the epic harmony was complete.

Music is a very important aspect of my life. Not only is it a source of entertainment, but it also helps me with expressing my emotions. Sometimes it enhances my joy and excitement, and sometimes it enables me to express uncomfortable feelings like sadness and anger. I celebrated the end of exams with Handel’s “Hallelujah” chorus; I calmed my constant anxiety with the peaceful tune of “Dona Nobis Pacem”;and I unleashed my fury at a betrayal in the form of Beethoven’s 5th Symphony. I was able to release all these emotions through the music more accurately than anything else.

While hesitantly plucking the strings of the guitar, I found myself wondering off to an unsolved problem in my homework. Still playing the instrument, I realised that I have missed a vital part in the question. Immediately, I dropped the guitar and rushed to my desk. Sure enough, the solution unfolded itself in front of me. And that is how I discovered that music has a unique ability to make people concentrate and generate ideas. From then on, I started looking for solutions in my music instead of staring blankly at the wall.

Music also have the mysterious power of healing. It doesn’t heal one physically, but instead it cleanses the darkness from one’s soul. By listening to or playing music, one is released from the burdens of stress and worries. And that is how I recovered from a severe depression, through the uplifting lyrics of “You’ll never walk alone”. I have found in music, a refuge and an asylum for my mental health.

It is through music that I was able to express my inner emotions; I was able to concentrate better and generate new ideas; I was able to overcome the many obstacles in my way. And for those reasons, music is the most important thing in my life.

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